Our Portland Preschool Program

Lilyposa Schoolhouse is licensed by the State of Oregon for a class size of 11 children at a time and we are proud to offer two identical morning and afternoon sessions that are three hours in length. 

This program is offered Monday through Friday.  Morning sessions are scheduled from 8:30am-11:30am while the afternoon session is scheduled from 12:30pm-3:30pm.  Each session will include a light snack.  We do not require children to be potty trained to enroll. We have an onsite changing station and are happy to help support their potty training journey when they are ready.

Families can choose the days to enroll their children (which may be based on availability). We do encourage families to enroll for at least two days a week to allow for children to get the most out of the programming.  Please look at our Tuition and Enrollment section to find more detailed information regarding cost and the process to enroll. There is also more detailed information regarding the program in our Curriculum and Philosophy section. 

Both the morning and afternoon sessions are open to children from 2 to 5 years of age. While we understand that the afternoon session may not work for all younger children due to nap schedules we are also aware that all families do not follow an identical nap schedule. We would love to welcome younger children into our afternoon session if this works for your child and family.   We encourage mixed age groups as we believe that children have the innate ability to learn from each other. Younger children will look up to their older peers while older children can also display their skills in assisting their younger peers.  We will always scale activities to each child and their own unique level of understanding and learning style.  We believe in teaching and demonstrating self help skills and integrate this into the schedule by asking children to engage in taking off and putting on their own shoes, jackets, coats and helping them in organizing their own belongings (with age appropriate guidance and assistance from teachers). 

We hope that by offering two sessions we can allow families to choose the timing that works best for their family and their child.  

Daily Rhythm

We use this daily rhythm as a general guide and there will be times that we do not rigidly stick to this schedule. For example, if the group is enjoying an activity or we observe that they would like to stay outside longer we are happy to listen to the needs of the children for that day while ensuring there is adequate time for potty and snack.


8:30am -9:00am : Arrivals and free play in outdoor/patio space

9:00am-9:30am: Circle Time

9:30-9:45 am: Handwashing and potty checks

9:45am-10:15am: Snack time and free play

10:15am-11:00am: Stations and Thematic play

11:00am-11:30am: Getting ready to go home and outside play


12:30pm -1:00pm : Arrivals and free play in outdoor/patio space

1:00pm-1:30pm: Circle Time

1:30pm-1:45 pm: Handwashing and potty checks

1:45pm-2:15pm: Snack time and free play

2:15pm-3:00pm: Stations and Thematic play

3:00pm-3:30pm: Getting ready to go home and outside play


Our goal with Lilyposa Schoolhouse is not only to create a high quality learning space for our enrolled children, but to also create a space for families to come together to create community.  We are committed to planning special events for children and their families which will allow for families to organically get to know each other.  We look forward to hosting pizza parties, potlucks and other special events for our Lilyposa Schoolhouse family. 

We love hosting in our space and are excited to welcome families into our community,